Joanne became interested in all things Spiritual from an early age, but it was not until Joanne turned thirty that she walked into a Spiritualist Church for the first time and instantly felt she had found the part of her that she had been searching for. In Joanne’s words, It felt like she had come home.
Joanne began sitting in an awareness class at her local Spiritualist Church but was also very much drawn to healing and started her training as a Spiritual healer. She also trained in Reiki healing and at the same time continued to develop her awareness of the spirit world and understanding of mediumship.
Joanne is married with two sons and is very busy with work and family life. In earlier years she wasn’t always able to commit to classes, but went whenever she was able. As her sons started to grow up, Joanne was able to commit more time to her Spiritual awareness and Mediumship development.
Joanne believes in the importance of a good foundation in your development as a medium and has been lucky enough to have been taught by the best teachers. The late Eddie Grenyer who she is grateful to, for being the first teacher to really start to push her development.
Joanne’s main Mentors whom she studied with for many years were the renowned Medium and pioneer Mavis Pittilla, and her wife Jean Else. Joanne accredits them with being the medium she is today. Without these teachings of the spirit world and mediumship the guidance and strict, yet nurturing support Joanne says she would not have had the confidence to step out in public arena and become a professional medium and an authorized Mavis Pittilla teacher.
Joanne has a strong desire to help those who choose to walk this pathway and loves to pass on the knowledge and strong foundational teachings she received from her mentors. This is strongly valued by her students, along with her nurturing support.
Joanne believes that we are all on a journey of continuous development and she will always strive to be the best medium she can be, in service to both worlds, in all aspects of her mediumship.